My health has not been a positive experience over the past few years.
As long as i can remember i have had weight issues and asthma. I have developed what they call SVT elevation with my heart and electrolyte and insulin imbalance.
I have been on many medications at one point way too many that my mental wellbeing went down hill.
Eventually i decided no more medicaations for me, the pharmacetical companies were getting rich and i was getting sicker. I only kept my asthma medication going.
As i reflected back over my life i realised that what i was doing when my weight was in check and my energy levels were high and i felt so very strong in every aspect of my being.
I was meditating twice a day, clearning my charkas and also being true to me. I accepted me for me and too bad what others thought. I let go of the need to focus on what was wrong in each moment and focussed on life it self. I embraced each and every moment.
So health is a state of mind and emotional balance. It is a wonderful demonstrator of when things are so very much out of balance not just in the physical sense but emotional, thought and spiritua/vibrational level.
Health is about total and complete awareness of self and the energy flow and balance.